Filter Editor Overview

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The Filter Editor is used to edit filter criteria for some grid controls or search any library database for specific data.
To create and customize filter criteria, use and the  buttons embedded into the control and context menus supported by the editor's elements:
Here below is sample picture of an editor.


A filter condition group is a set of conditions combined by the same logical operator. The following filter expression contains two groups combined by the logical OR operator:

For step-by-step examples of creating filter criteria, see End-User Capabilities: Filter Editor - Building Filter Criteria.

Add Conditions

To add a condition to a logical group, do one of the following:

Focus any condition within the group or the group's logical operator and then press INSERT or ADD on the keyboard.
Click the button for the group.
Click the group's logical operator and select Add Condition.

To add a group of conditions to another group, do one of the following:

Focus any condition within the group or the group's logical operator and then press CTRL+ADD on the keyboard.
Click the group's logical operator and select Add Group.

To add a condition or a group of conditions that have been copied to the clipboard, press CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT. The new condition will be added to the focused group.

Delete Conditions

To delete a condition, do one of the following:

Focus the condition and press DELETE or SUBTRACT.
Click the button.

To delete a group of conditions, do one of the following:

Focus the group's logical operator and press DELETE or SUBTRACT
Click the group's logical operator and select Remove Group.

To delete all conditions, do one of the following:

Focus the topmost logical operator and press DELETE or SUBTRACT.
Click the topmost logical operator and select Clear All.

To cut a condition/group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition/the group's logical operator and press CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE.

Work with Clipboard

To copy a condition/group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition/the group's logical operator and press CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT.

To cut a condition/group of conditions to the clipboard, focus this condition/the group's logical operator and press CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE.

To paste a condition/group of conditions from the clipboard to the focused group, press CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT.

Change a Column in a Filter Condition

To change a condition's column, invoke the column list by doing one of the following:

Click the current column.
Focus the current column via the keyboard and press SPACE or ALT+DOWN ARROW.

Then, choose the required column from the list that will be invoked

Change an Operator in a Filter Condition

To change a condition's operator, invoke the operator list by doing one of the following:

Click the condition's current operator.
Focus the current operator via the keyboard and press SPACE or ALT+DOWN ARROW

Then, choose the required operator from the list that will be invoked

Edit a Condition's Value

To edit a condition's value, click the operand value and type text.

To activate the operand value's edit box without changing the value, click the value or focus the operand value via the keyboard and press F2, SPACE, ENTER or ALT+DOWN

To close the active edit box, press ENTER.

To discard changes to the value and close the active edit box, press ESC.


See Also

Building Filter Criteria