Subtitles & Pictures |
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The options how Home Multimedia Library will work with subtitles & pictures features can be set by using this page.
Subtitles Timeline
Show subtitles timeline on main window If you check this option then software will show subtitles timeline on main software window. Subtitles text, line by line will appear on the bottom of main window just below the playback controls (slider and time displays)
Show subtitles timeline on full video screen If you check this option then software will show subtitles timeline on full screen. Subtitles text, line by line will appear on the bottom of the screen
Show subtitles timeline on mini media player window If you check this option then software will show subtitles timeline on mini media player window Subtitles text, line by line will appear on the bottom of the window
Auto hides timeline when no text is present If you check this option then software will show subtitles timeline only when subtitles text is available for currently played file If subtitles are not available then the timeline will be hidden.
Pictures Source These options apply to artist pictures feature. Here you can set where from the Home Multimedia Library can get pictures to display. You can select one or more options here, if software do not find images in one source then will try to get form another. Integrate with Home Multimedia Library To use this option you must have installed and configured your media library files collection using our another software Home Multimedia Library How it works you can see by clicking on this link
Image files on disk
How to associate external images to all types of media files: If you have some artists image file then rename them with the same name as the media files are. Supported image files are; .jpg .gif .bmp .png and more of popular formats.
Now you can choose where you want to keep yours artist image files.
1. You can choose one folder to store them all in the one place. Set folder's path using Pictures folder text box
For example: If you did set the Custom Images folder like: c:\My Artists Images Folder then When you start play file "c:\My song.mpg" then program will look into "c:\My Artists Images Folder\ for a file named "My song.jpg" If a file is found then the file will be loaded into a Pictures window 2. If you choose not to create one general folder for images then you have to create separate folder named "Pictures" in the same folders whenever your media files are. Probably this could be the most useful option.
For example: When you start play a file "c:\Band\My song.mpg" then program will look into "c:\Band\Pictures\ for a image file named "My song.jpg" If a file is found then it will be loaded into a Pictures window
MP3 file tag When you start to play MP3 file then an image from MP3 file tag will be extracted and shown How to put images into a MP3 file: You can use our File Audio Processor software, which you may download here, or any other software that can write images into a MP3 file
Here you can set and enable to use your custom folder for artists image files. To set a location of your folder click on a button located on the right side of the text box and choose the folder from dialog window. If you do not want to use this option then simply clear this text box.
When the picture is loaded into a Picture window you can control the picture size and zoom it using the Picture controls view located at the toolbar
These options apply to artist Subtitles feature. Here you can set where from the Home Multimedia Library can get subtitles to display. You can select one or more options here, if software do not find subtitles text in one source then will try to get form another. Integrate with Home Multimedia Library To use this option you must have installed and configured your media library files collection using our another software Home Multimedia Library How it works you can see by clicking on this link
Shared subtitles database When this option is checked and you start the playback then software will try to get subtitles text from the database.
Text files on disk
How to associate external subtitles text to all types of media files: Create an empty text file with the same name as the media file is but with extension .txt You may use Create Subtitles Files command from Tools menu to ease the task.
Now you can choose where you want to keep your subtitles text files. 1. You can choose one folder to store them all in one place. Set folder's path using Subtitles folder text box For example: If you have set the Custom Subtitles folder like: c:\My Subtitles Folder then When you start play file "c:\My song.mpg" then program will look into "c:\My Subtitles Folder\ for file named "My song.txt" If a file is found then the file will be loaded into a Subtitles window as subtitles text
2. If you choose not to create one general folder for subtitles then you have to create separate folders named "Subtitles" whenever your media files are. Probably this could be the most useful option. For example: When you start play file "c:\Band\My song.mpg" then program will look into "c:\Band\Subtitles\ for file "My song.txt" If a file is found then the file will be loaded into a Subtitles window as subtitles text
While the text file is loaded into a Subtitles window you can edit the text and use the Save Subtitles to update the text on disk. Save Subtitles command is located at Ribbon bar under Tools menu in File Manager group, in Command menu. While the picture is loaded into a Picture window you can control the picture size and zoom it using the Picture controls view located at main window Playback pages located on left side of the window.
MP3 file tag When you start to play MP3 file then a text from MP3 file tag will be extracted and shown How to put subtitles text into a MP3 file: You can use our File Audio Processor software, which you may download here, or any other software that can write text into a MP3 file
Here you can set and enable to use your custom folder for subtitles text files. To set a location of your folder click on a button located on the right side of the text box and choose the folder from dialog window. If you do not want to use this option then simply clear this text box.