Photos & Thumbnails |
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Photos & Thumbnails features are the photo cards viewers. Photos Viewer on its page shows images from selected album, but you can view all of them as well by clicking on a "Show All Images" button located on Images page under View menu. Each image on the view is represented in a form of photo card. The same images are shown on the thumbnails viewer.
Photo cards can be arranged within its views in a few ways. Please see the Grid Layout - Panel Header topic for more information.
Here below is sample picture of photos view and photo card:
Each card has the following elements
Card caption
Picture The thumbnail of picture. This picture box displays only a thumbnail of actual picture. To see bigger version of picture you can
Title Below the card caption is shown picture title, you can edit this title.
Date Here you can enter the date when picture was taken
W: and H: These cells show actual picture width and height in pixels
Memo This card element has built in drop down text editor. To show the editor, click on the corresponding icon. To accept you changes click OK button. When you click Cancel button then the changes will be lost. Tip: You can drag selected text file in File Browser and drop onto icon. The file contents will be loaded and entered into text editor.
Photo cards can be arranged within its views in a few ways. Please see the Grid Layout - Panel Header topic for more information.
Here below is sample picture of viewer:
The Thumbnails Viewer is provided for viewing images convenience. It shows the same images as Photo Viewer but properties. It is located on the left side of the window. You can view your images in Picture Viewer just by one left mouse click on a thumbnail and built in Picture viewer show selected image.